Research Areas

Research Areas

4pi 5-lipoxygenase acute lymphoblastic leukemia adaptive immunity adipose-derived stem cells aging alopecia angiogenesis anorexia Anti-cancer drugs Anti-cancer potential of natural-source compounds Antitumor immunity apelin applied health services and policy research asparaginase assay optimization Astrocytoma Autoimmunity autophagy big data biliary tract cancers Bioengineering Bioinformatics biological activities of compounds biomarkers Biomaterial Assembly Biomaterials biomedical devices Biophotonics biophysics biostatistics blood cancers brain tumors breast cancer Breast imaging breast screening calcium signalling cancer-causing cell-survival mechanisms cancer and infection cancer biology Cancer cell signaling cancer detection cancer epidemiology cancer gene and expression profiling cancer genesis cancer genetics Cancer Immunology cancer immunosurveillance Cancer incidence and mortality cancer metabolism Cancer neuroscience cancer prevention Cancer risk cancer screening cancer survivorship Cancer treatment Cancer treatment side effects cannabinoids Cardio-oncology cardiotoxicity cationic antimicrobial peptides and phytochemicals Cell-to-cell interactions Cell Cycle cell cycle regulation cell death cell differentiation cellular signaling pathways chemical biology chemokines Chemotherapy cholesterol homeostasis cholesterol regulation chronic viral infection circulating tumor cells Clinical and health services research clinical immunology assessment of cancer immunotherapies clinical outcome research clinical trial design Clinical trials cognitive impairment Colon cancer Colorectal Cancer complex diseases correlative light and electron microscopy cytokines Cytotoxic Peptides cytotoxic T cells developing and testing compounds diet DNA damage and repair mechanisms Drosophila melanogaster drug-resistant metastatic breast cancer Drug delivery Drug Design drug resistance drug resistant carcinoma Drug screening platforms early detection early detection of lung cancer economic analysis Electrochemical biosensors electrochemistry end of life endosomes Energy metabolism Environmental carcinogenesis Environmental health enzyme inhibitor design epigenetics epithelial cells Epithelial Tissue Engineering epithelium Equity in health and healthcare Esophageal Cancer Exercise oncology Extracellular matrix extracellular vesicles fibrosis fMRI Food bioactives fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) proteins G-protein coupled receptor activation mechanisms Gastric Cancer GBM gene-environment interactions in cancer gene regulation gene silencing genetic markers genome-wide functional assays genomic and epigenomic pathways Genomics genotyping GI neuroendocrine cancer glioma genetics head and neck cancer health equity Health policy health promotion health services research health services utilization Hemato-oncology hematopathology hepatobiliary surgery hepatocellular carcinoma Hereditary breast cancer hereditary ovarian cancer Heterocyclic Peptides host defense peptides host pathogens/commensals interaction Human microbiome IL-17 IL-17R immune cell metabolism immune regulation immunity Immuno-Oncology immunology Immunometabolism Immunotherapy implementation science infectious disease vaccines Inflammation inflammatory bowel disease Innate immunity inorganic chemistry Insomnia Interferon internal ribosome entry sites (IRES) intestinal cancer Intestinal epithelium integrity and Homeostasis Intestinal pathology Intracellular lipid metabolism ion channel and transporters jadomycins K-Ras Kaposi’s sarcoma kidney cancer knowledge translation large-scale data analysis leukemia lifestyle factors lipid mediators of inflammation Lipid signaling lipid transport proteins liposome-encapsulated cancer therapeutics liquid biopsy liver cancer lung cancer lung cancer management lymphoma lysosome lysosomes massively-parallel sequencing mast cells in the regulation of immunity and cancer mastoparan Mechanisms of carcinogenesis mechanisms of tumour growth medical physics Medicinal and Organic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry melanoma Membrane biogenesis metabolism Metabolomics metagenomics metastasis Microbe-mammalian models microbiome miRNA profiling MITF transcription factor mitochondria molecular biology molecular epidemiology Molecular Evolution Molecular Genetics Molecular imaging molecular profiling molecular subgroups Monte Carlo simulations Mouse cancer models mRNAs multiomics Myeloma myopodin Nano-biosensors Nanomedicine Nanoparticle Nanotechnology-based photoimmuno therapy Nanozymes natural killer cells nature-inspired novel therapeutics development neuroblastoma neurons neuroradiology new breast cancer chemotherapies NK cell receptor genetics NK immunogenetics NKT cells novel clinical trials occupational exposures oncogenes oncolytic viruses oral cancer oral epithelial dysplasia Oral health Organ-on-a-chip organic synthesis organoids pain palliative care pancreatic cancer patient-derived xenografts patient outcomes Patient Reported Outcome Measures pediatric brain tumors pediatric cancer pediatric medulloblastomas pediatric thrombosis Peptide Peptide Therapeutics peritoneal surface malignancy Peroxisomes pharmacogenomics phospholipase A2 phospholipid regulation photocatalyst Physical Activity phytochemicals Phytochemicals-derived anti-cancer drug discovery plant derived drugs Plasminogen-Plasmin activation plasminogen receptors PML nuclear bodies polymer peptide hybrids population health precision medicine Predictive & prognostic biomarkers program evaluation Prostate Cancer proteasome protein-protein interactions Protein Kinase C signal transduction Protein Kinase D signal transduction protein translation Proteome homeostasis proteomics proteotoxicity Psychosocial Interventions Psychosocial Oncology quality of life RACK1 radiation detection radiation dosimetry radiation oncology radiation therapy Radiochemistry radiology radionuclide therapy Radiotherapy radiotherapy treatment delivery Ras/MEK RBPs Reactive Oxygen Species Renal Cell Carcinoma retrotransposons risk prediction Sarcoma selective autophagy SGBA+ signaling pathways signal transduction single cell RNAseq Skin Cancer Sleep Disturbances small molecule function small RNAs social media and cancer screening solid cancers spatial cancer epidemiology Spatial inequalities Spectrochemistry statistical modeling Stem cells proliferation Stereotactic radiotherapy Stress Granules surgical care for cancer patients Surgical quality outcomes Synthetic Organic Chemistry Systemic therapy Targeted therapy T cell- and B cell-mediated adaptive immunity terpenes TGF-beta Therapeutic design therapy-resistant cancer cells thoracic surgery Thyroid Cancer Tissue Engineering toxicity trajectory optimization transcriptional regulators transcriptome and methylome profiling Transcriptomics translational and clinical research Translational control Translational Medicine translational research Tumor Leydig cells tumor microenvironment tumour banking virology virus-triggered cancers von Hippel-Lindau vulnerable populations Wilms Tumor XPO1 yeast model