Travel Awards
CRTP Trainees are eligible to apply for travel awards, to help offset expenses to attend and present their research at national and international cancer research conferences or workshops. Students have so far traveled to 19 different countries and have won several presentation awards.
Funding is limited and requests are reviewed on a first come, first served basis.

Daniel Medina-Luna, 2022 AACR Samlau Kutana, 2022 IPOS
Please review the terms of reference and download the application form for further details and to apply. Please note that applications must be received and reviewed in advance of travel.
A well-written sample abstract indicating the cancer relevance of the project is provided for your reference.
For further information, contact admin@bhcri.ca
2023/24 Travel Award Recipients:
Jasmine Barra
Conference: 2023 Immuno-Oncology Breakthroughs, Barcelona, Spain
Poster Presentation: Elucidating the mechanism of action of IL-5 as a promoter of IFN expression by mast cells in the tumour microenvironment
Jolène Cormier
Conference: 2023 American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, FL
Poster Presentation: Investigating a role for PIKfyve in cell migration and invasion of clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Emily Drake
Conference: The 5th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress Conference, Long Beach, California
Poster Presentation: The Delivery of Palliative and End-of-Life Care to Adolescents and Young Adults Living with Cancer: A Scoping Review
Rachel Lee
Conference: 2023 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology Conference, Montreal, QE
Platform Presentation: Canadian Cancer Survivors’ use of cannabis as a sleep aid: the impact of cannabinoid content and method of ingestion
Shanukie Embuldeniya
Conference: American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, St. Louis, Missouri
Poster Presentation: Identifying the anticancer properties and mechanisms of action of anthocyanin-rich extracts from the Aponogeton madagascariensis on Triple Negative Breast Cancer cells
Karla Valenzuela
Conference: Cell Bio 2023, Boston, MA
Poster Presentation: Defining the role of Rap1GAP in migration and proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer through phosphoproteomics
Vlora Riberdy
Conference: European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Porto, Portugal
Poster Presentation: Pre-clinical MRI radiomics and machine learning to predict survival after immunotherapy treatment
Funding for travel awards is provided by: