Senior Research Officer, National Research Council, Adjunct Professor, Dalhousie University
National Research Council, Human Health Therapeutics. Dalhousie University, Department of Chemistry
Research Interests:
Proteomics, Predictive & prognostic biomarkers, cancer metabolism, bioinformatics and circulating tumor cells.
Quantitative Analysis of Biological Systems
My research involves the development of bioanalytical techniques for quantitative measurement of nucleic acids, proteins and metabolites and the application of these assays to understand pathogenesis. We currently are applying these techniques to understand tumour initiating properties of circulating tumor cells and altered metabolism in the tumour microenvironment. We work with clinicians at CDHA to apply these techniques to the analysis of serum, plasma, tumour tissue and circulating tumor cells
Involvement with BHCRI to date:
Dr. Pinto is a BHCRI Associate Member.
(902) 426-0558
NRC, 1411 Oxford street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4B7
Makki F, Taylor SM, Shanavaz, SA, Trites J, Bullock M, Leslie A, Gallant J, Douglas S, Teh E, Inglis K, Pinto D, Hart R, Serum Biomarkers of Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 2013, 42(16)
Cohen A, Wang E, Chisholm KA, Kostyleva R, O’Connor-McCourt M, Pinto DM, A Mass Spectrometry-based plasma protein panel targeting the tumour microenvironement in patients with breast cancer, Journal of Proteomics, 2013, 81(9) 135-147.
Murphy JP, Coté PD and Pinto DM, Monitoring the Switch: The Warburg Effect and Targeted Proteomic Analysis of Cancer Metaboloism, Current Proteomics, 2012, 9, 26-39.
Hilchie AL, Doucette CD, Pinto DM, Patrzykat A, Douglas S and Hoskin DW, Pleurocidin-family cationic antimicrobial peptides are cytolytic for breast carcinoma cells and prevent growth of tumor xenografts, Breast Cancer Research, 2011, 13(5), R102.
Seferovic MD, Chen S, Pinto DM and Gupta MB, Altered liver secretion of vascular regulatory proteins in hypoxic pregnancies stimulate angiogenesis in vitro, Journal of Proteome Research, 2011, 10(4), 1495-1504.
Murphy JP and Pinto DM, Targeted Proteomics Analysis of Glycolysis in Cancer Cells, Journal of Proteome Research, 2011, 10, 604-613.
Murphy JP and Pinto DM, Temporal Proteomic Analysis of IGF-1R Signalling in MCF-7 Breast Adenocarcinoma Cells, Proteomics, 2010, 10, 1847-1860.