Dr. Craig McCormick, PhD


Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology


Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine

Research Interests:

viral causes of cancer; focus on human herpesvirus-8 and Kaposi’s sarcoma

Understanding virus-triggered cancers

About 15 per cent of all cancers worldwide are caused by viruses. In the Viral Oncology Lab, Dr. Craig McCormick is studying how a recently discovered herpes virus – human herpesvirus-8 – triggers Kaposi’s sarcoma, a form of skin cancer that can be deadly in people with AIDS. He and his team are also investigating the links between hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections and the genesis of liver cancer. They aim to pinpoint the post-infection events that start the cancer process and trace the subsequent molecular steps as cancer develops. This knowledge will shed light on the origins of these cancers and may ultimately lead to effective new therapies.

Involvement with BHCRI to date:

Dr. McCormick is a BHCRI Senior Scientist, a supervisor for CRTP Trainees and has served on BHCRI Scientific Review Committees.


(902) 494-4519




Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, 5850 College Street, P.O. Box 15000, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2