Experiential Opportunities

  • Experiential Opportunities

Ideas for Experiential Opportunities:

    • Speaking on behalf of a cancer-related not for profit organization
    • Volunteering to be on a Committee such as the BHCRI Training Committee
    • In the case of Postdoctoral Fellows, volunteering to be part of a Scientific Review Committee
    • Volunteering to raise funds for a cancer-related not for profit i.e. GivetoLive, Molly Appeal, Terry Fox Foundation, Relay for Life, etc.
    • Any cancer-related volunteer work
    • Volunteering through the IWK with children in the cancer ward. This involves an application through the IWK to be accepted for the program.

This is not intended to take up a lot of time but is a way to give back. For trainees with children, participating in a fundraising activity like the Terry Fox Run would be a great way to help without time away from family.

Some suggested events or groups to support are:

Bum Run for Cancer: https://www.bumrun.com/

CIBC Run for the Cure: http://cibcrunforthecure.supportcbcf.com

Craig’s Cause Pancreatic Cancer Society: http://www.craigscause.ca/

Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation Molly Appeal (cancer): https://dmrf.ca/molly-appeal/

GivetoLive (cancer related event): https://www.givetolive.ca/

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: https://www.lls.org/

Ovarian Cancer Canada: www.ovariancancerwalkofhope.ca

Prostate Cancer Canada:http://www.prostatecancer.ca/

Telus Ride for Dad: http://www.ridefordad.ca/

The Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life: www.cancer.ca

The QEII Foundation Ride for Cancer: http://qe2foundation.ca/events/YourRideForCancer

The Scotiabank Bluenose Marathon Weekend (cancer related charity): http://bluenosemarathon.com/

The Terry Fox Run: www.terryfox.org

If you know of other cancer-related events to add to the list, please contact admin@bhcri.ca