Dr. Stephanie Snow MD FRCPC


Medical Oncologist, QEII Health Sciences Centre; Associate Professor (anticipated promotion to Full Professor effective July 2023) Dalhousie University; President, Lung Cancer Canada; Vice Chair, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Medical Oncology Examination Committee; Associate Editor, Current Oncology


QEII Health Sciences Centre, Dalhousie University

Research interests:

Lung Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Supportive Care, Patient Advocacy, Real World Evidence, Immunotherapy, Targeted therapy, Systemic therapy

Research Summary: Striving to provide all around best care for patients: My research is clinical, ranging from interventional systemic therapy trials looking to improve outcomes with new standards of care, developing real world evidence from population based patient data to inform every day clinical practice and focusing on supportive care to maximize quality of life and functioning for cancer patients by providing maximal supports to mitigate adverse effects of therapy and manage cancer related symptoms.  My research interests are thoracic and GI cancers, including a special focus on molecular targets to inform precision care and nutrition in GI cancers.

Hometown: St. John’s Newfoundland

What brought you to your current institution? I came to Dalhousie for undergraduate medicine attracted by the strong Arts in Medicine program and case based learning format. I became involved in Cancer Research during the summer between by first and second year of medical school back in 2002, and haven’t looked back since.

Involvement with BHCRI to date:

As a trainee, I benefited from BHCRI summer studentships to support my research projects. Since then I have supervised medical trainee students receiving those same BHCRI summer studentship grants that got me started, have been an invited speaker at several of the BHCRI cancer research conferences, and frequently sit on the review committees for different BHCRI research grants and awards.



Recent News:

During the past nine months, three research projects on which I am either co-PI or CI have been successful in research grant applications from CIHR and CCS, representing a total of over $9.5 million in funds to support these projects over the next 3-4 years. These projects span the range of my research interests, including a CIHR trial operational grant to support the investigation of a novel Her2 targeting systemic therapy in upper GI cancer, work to better understand micronutrient deficiencies in gastric cancer patients, including development of educational tools and supports for use in clinical practice to improve patient quality of life through nutritional support and an exploration of carcinogen exposure in the development of lung cancer to improve early detection and enable prevention with a special focus on exposure to arsenic in drinking water.  In my role as President of Lung Cancer Canada, I have been proud to see our support of research expand, launching the Lung Cancer Ambition Alliance award this year that is providing $100,000 annually to support to Lung Cancer research across Canada, with one of the two recipients for our inaugural year having been rewarded to a local project with a QEII primary investigator who will be looking at differential outcomes among female lung cancer patients.