Full Professor, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Cell Signaling and Translational Medicine
Division of BioMedical Sciences / Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Health Science Centre, 300 Prince Philip Drive, St. John`s, Newfoundland, Canada A1B 3V6
Research Interests:
Protein Kinase C signal transduction, Protein Kinase D signal transduction, Cell Cycle, Mouse cancer models, Colon cancer, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Pancreas cancer
Protein Kinase signalling in cancer: A potential drug target.
For more than 25 years my research focused on the Protein kinase (PK) C and D protein family, enzymes involved in the intracellular mediation of signals in health and disease. Among other things I have identified PKC and D to be involved in tumor development and progression, providing the basis for a more precise cancer treatment. Our intention in basic cancer research is to find unique signaling pathways and protein-protein interaction herein which are specifically involved in cancer development. This approach will eventually provide new, more precise, drug targets and thereby reduces unwanted side effects of current cancer therapies.
What brought you to your current institution?
I was recruited to Memorial University of Newfoundland from the Biotechnology Centre of Oslo, Norway, for the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair position in Cell Signaling and Translational Medicine.
Hometown: Cologne, Germany
Why are you interested in your area of research?
Cancer represents one of the major health threats in the western world and thus there is nearly nobody who is not directly (in the family) or indirectly (close friends or neighbourhood) effected by this disease. In addition, I started my scientific career in a Protein Kinase C laboratory and I became immediately interested in its role during tumor development and progression and maintained this interest as a major topic in my research.
Learn more about my research
Involvement with BHCRI to date:
Dr. Leitges is a BHCRI Senior Scientist