Dr. Jun Wang, Ph.D


Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and Pediatrics, Dalhousie University


Canadian Canter for Vaccinology

IWK Health Centre

Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Pediatrics

Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University

Research Interests:

IL-17, IL-17R, cancer and infection, adaptive immunity, immune regulation

Targeting on the IL-17/IL-17R axis

The immune system plays a vital role in disease control; however, inappropriate immune responses also contribute to the development and progression of many diseases. My research aims to (1) understand the role of the IL-17/IL-17R axis in regulating host resistance against infections caused by Chlamydia species; (2) dissect the contribution of the IL-17/IL-17R signaling in tumorigenesis; and (3) develop novel prophylactic and/or therapeutic vaccines or treatments against infection and cancer.

Involvement with BHCRI to date:

Dr. Wang is a BHCRI Associate Member who has served as a member of a BHCRI Scientific Review Committee.


(902) 470-7505






Canadian Center for Vaccinology IWK Health Centre Goldbloom Research and Clinical Care Pavilion, 3rd Floor West 5850/5980 University Avenue Halifax, NS B3K 6R8 Canada


Bolotin S, Quach S, Johnson C, Deeks S, Wang, J, Orth A, Murti M, Vanderkooi O, Hoang L, Drews S, Nixon K, McGeer A, Green K, McCormack D, Marchand-Austin A, Jamieson F, Warshawsky B, Ambrose A, DeCourtere S, Faheem A, Halperin S, Kollman T, Squires S, Rebbapragada A, NS Crowcroft. Case-control study of household contacts to examine immunological protection from pertussis transmission – study protocol. CMAJ Open. 2017, under revision.
Yan C, Lei Y, Lin TJ, Hoskin DW, Ma A and Wang J. IL-17RC is critically required to maintain baseline A20 production to repress JNK isoform-dependent tumor-specific proliferation. Oncotarget. 2017. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17820 Acosta-Ramirez E, Tram C, Kampen RM, Tillman MR, Schwendener RA, Xing Z, Halperin SA and Wang J. Respiratory macrophages regulate CD4 T cell responses to mucosal immunization with recombinant adenovirus-based vaccines. Cellular Immunology. 2016. 310:53-62
Vila-Leahey A, Oldford SA, Marignani PA, Wang J, Haidl ID and Marshall JS. Ranitidine modifies myeloid cell populations and inhibits breast tumor development and spread in mice. Oncoimmunology. 2016. 5:e1151591
Moore-Connors JM, Kim HS, Marshall JS, Stadnyk AW, Halperin SA, and Wang J. CD43-, but not CD43+, CD1dhi CD5+ IL-10-producing B cells suppress type 1 immune response during C. muridarum genital tract infection. Mucosal Immunology 2015. 8:94-106. (This paper was highlighted on the cover page of the issue.)
Brace M, Wang J, Petten M, Bullock M, Trites J, Taylor SM, Makki F, Hart RD. Differential expression of transforming growth factor-beta in benign vs. papillary thyroid cancer nodules; a potential diagnostic tool? Journal of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. 2014. 43:22.
Moore-Connors JM, Fraser R, Halperin SA and Wang J. CD4+Foxp3+CD25+ regulatory T cells promote Th17 and genital tract inflammation upon Chlamydia infection. J Immunol. 2013 Sep 15;191(6):3430-9.
Tunis MC, Dawicki W, Carson KR, Wang J, Marshall JS. Mast cells and IgE activation do not alter the development of oral tolerance in a mouse model. J. Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 130(3):705-715.
Andrian E, Qi G, Wang J, Halperin SA and Lee SF. Role of Surface Proteins SspA and SspB of Streptococcus gordonii in Innate Immunity. Microbiology. 2012 158:2099-106.
Brown HTT, David J, Acosta-Ramirez E, Moore JM, Lee S, Zhong G, Hancock RH, Xing Z, Halperin SA and Wang J. Comparison of immune responses and protective efficacy of intranasal prime-boost immunization regimens using adenovirus-based and CpG/HH2 adjuvanted-subunit vaccines against genital Chlamydia muridarum infection. Vaccine. 2012 30(2):350-60.
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Contributions to a collective work (incl. book chapters, editorials, and reviews)
Santosuosso M, Wang J, Xing J. Chapter 5: The prospects of mucosal vaccination against pulmonary tuberculosis. In: Smithe LT, editor. Focus on tuberculosis research. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2005. p141-164. ISBN: 1-59454-137-X
Wang J, Xing Z. Tuberculosis vaccines: the past, present and future. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2002;1:341-354.
Xing Z, Wang J. Consideration of cytokines as therapeutics agents or targets. Curr Pharm Des. 2000;6:599-611.
Xing Z, Jordana M, Gauldie J, Wang J. Cytokines and pulmonary inflammatory and immune diseases. Histol Histopathol. 1999;14:185-201.