Assistant Professor of Oncology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Radiation Oncology Consultant – Eastern Health
Research Interests:
Prostate cancer carcinogenesis, biomarkers of treatment response, novel clinical trials, radiation therapy
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Radiation therapy is a common and accepted standard treatment option for men with prostate cancer. Yet, a large portion of men still fail radiation therapy. Additional biomarkers that could denote aggressive disease could effectively triage patients to more individualized management. The primary research interests of my lab pertains to biomarkers of radiotherapy response for prostate cancer; proteomic technologies, novel therapeutics and novel clinical trials.
Involvement with BHCRI to date:
Dr. Thoms is a BHCRI Senior Scientist Member
Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre, Division of Radiation Oncology, 300 Prince Philip Drive, St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada A1B 3V6
Thoms J, Biomarkers of Prostate Cancer: Still an Unmet Need. 2012-2013 Report Card on Cancer in Canada, Cancer Advocacy Coalition. 2013
Thoms J, Dal Pra A, Anborgh PH, Christensen E, Fleshner N, Menard C, Chadwick K, Milosevic M, Catton C, Pintilie M, Chambers AF, Bristow RG. Plasma Osteopontin as a biomarker of prostate cancer aggression to risk category and treatment response. Br J Cancer. 2012 Aug 21;107(5)
Thoms J, Saytha J. Prostate Cancer: To Screen or Not To Screen. 2011-2012 Report Card on Cancer in Canada, Cancer Advocacy Coalition. 2012
Van der Kwast T, Al Daoud N, Collette L, Sykes J, Thoms J, Milosevic M, Bristow RG, Van Tienhoven G, Warde P, Mirimanoff RO, Bolla M, Biopsy diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma is prognostic in intermediate and high risk prostate cancer patients treated by radiotherapy, Eur J Cancer 2012 June, 48 issue 9, 1318-25.
Locke JA, Zafarana G, Ishkanian AS, Milosevic M, Thoms J, Have CL, Malloff CA, Lam WL, Squire JA, Pintilie M, Sykes J, Ramnarine VR, Meng A, Ahmed O, Jurisica I, van der Kwast T, Bristow RG. NKX3.1 haploinsufficiency is prognostic for prostate cancer relapse following surgery or image-guided radiotherapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2012; 1;18 (1):308-16.
Zafarana G, Ishkanian AS, Locke JA, Malloff CA, Sykes J, Thoms J, Lam WL, Squire JA, Yoshimoto M, Ramnarine VR, Jurisica I, Milosevic M, Pintilie M, van der Kwast T, Bristow RG. Copy Number Alterations of c-MYC and PTEN are Prognostic Factors for Relapse Following Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy. CANCER, 2012, 118: 4053.
Ramaekers CH, van den Beucken T, Meng A, Kassam S, Thoms J, Bristow RG, Wouters BG, Hypoxia disrupts the Fanconi anemia pathway and sensitizes cell to chemotherapy through regulation of UBE2T, Radiother Oncol, 2011, June 29.
Ghiam AF, Cairns RA, Thoms J, Dal Pra A, Ahmed O, Meng A, Mak TW, Bristow RG.; IDH mutation status in prostate cancer, Oncogene, 2011 Nov 28.
Thoms J, Goda JS, Zlotta AR, Fleshner NE, Van der Kwast T, Supiot S, Warde P, Bristow RG. Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced and High Risk Prostate Cancer. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2011; 8:107-113.
Ishkanian A, Zafarana G, Thoms J and Bristow RG, “The Potential for Array CGH as A Predictor of Radiocurability in Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer”, Acta Oncologica. 2010, 49(7): 888-894.