Dr. Daniel Rayson, MD, FRCPC


Associate Professor, Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine

Director, Atlantic Clinical Cancer Research Unit (ACCRU)

Medical Oncologist, QEII Cancer Care Program

Vice-Chair of the Development Board, Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute


Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, Capital Health

Research Interests:

Clinical trials in breast cancer, breast cancer care path analysis, pathology studies of interval breast cancer, economic analysis of new breast cancer chemotherapies, translational and clinical research in GI neuroendocrine cancer

Improving cancer outcomes and patient care:

As a medical oncologist, Dr. Daniel Rayson is interested in clinical trials, with a particular emphasis on the design and implementation of phase II and III clinical trials for breast cancers and gastrointestinal neuroendocrine cancers. In his role as director of the Atlantic Clinical Cancer Research Unit (ACCRU), he is working to create a regional clinical trials network across all disease sites and to expand local clinical trials capacity to encompass earlier stage trials. At the same time, he is working with other researchers to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of new cancer drugs, explore issues around the development and diagnosis of interval breast cancers as well as having developed a framework to understand and study wait times for cancer care.

Involvement with BHCRI to date:

Dr. Rayson is a BHCRI Senior Scientist, was a member of the BHCRI Working Group, was Co-chair of the BHCRI Development Board and has been a BHCRI Seminar Series presenter.






Bethune Building, QEII Health Sciences Centre, 1276 South Park Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 2Y9